The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood Characters - Giant Bomb (2025)

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    The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood Characters - Giant Bomb (11)

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Aug 23, 2002

    • Game Boy Advance

    Short summary describing this game.


    • Andy Bogard Andy Bogard is Terry Bogard's younger brother and helped defeat Geese Howard in the Fatal Fury series.
    • Athena Asamiya Athena Asamiya is a pop idol who wields "Psycho Power." She debuted in Psycho Soldier and later became a mainstay in The King of Fighters series.
    • Benimaru Nikaido Benimaru is a character from The King of Fighters series. The rather feminine fighter uses a variety of electric techniques.
    • Chang Koehan Chang Koehan is a character in the The King of Fighters franchise. His resemblence to controversial fighting game "advocate" Aris Bakhtanians is purely coincidental.
    • Choi Bounge Choi Bounge is a character in The King of Fighters franchise. He is a former criminal who made steel claws for himself as weapons.
    • Clark Steel Originally named "Vince" in the first Ikari Warriors game, Clark is a mercenary. He teams up with Ralf Jones in the Ikari Warriors games, the King of Fighters games, and the latest two Metal Slug games.
    • Geese Howard Geese Howard is a recurring antagonist in SNK titles, vexing characters in Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, The King of Fighters, and many crossovers.
    • Iori Yagami Iori Yagami is one of the primary characters of the Orochi Saga in the King of Fighters series. He is one of the three Sacred Treasures and the rival of Kyo Kusanagi.
    • K' K' was abducted by NEST and infused with Kyo's DNA. Unable to control the flames on his own, he uses a special glove to regulate his power. His name is pronounced "Kay-Dash".
    • Kim Kaphwan Kim is a Taekwondo master. He enters tournaments to prove that his martial art is the best in the world.
    • Kyo Kusanagi Kyo Kusanagi is one of the primary characters of the Orochi Saga in the King of Fighters series. He is one of the three Sacred Treasures and the rival of Iori Yagami.
    • Leona Heidern Leona is Heidern's adopted daughter and the new leader of the Ikari Team in later King of Fighters. Her real fathers name is Gaidel, a man of Orochi blood.
    • Mai Shiranui Mai Shiranui was the first female character introduced in the Fatal Fury series. She is a Kunoichi (Female Ninja) of the Shiranui clan.
    • Moe Habana Moe Habana is the Asian-American heroine of The King of Fighters EX series.
    • Ralf Jones Ralf Jones is a mercenary from the game Ikari Warriors. He is one of the only characters to be featured in every main installment of The King of Fighters series, and is playable in Metal Slug 6 and 7.
    • Robert Garcia Robert Garcia is one of the main characters in the Art of Fighting series and is a mainstay in The King of Fighters. He uses a kick-based variation of Kyokugen Karate.
    • Ryo Sakazaki A martial artist and practitioner of Kyokugen Karate, Ryo is one of the main protagonists in the Art of Fighting series and leads the "Art of Fighting" team in the King of Fighters series.
    • Sie Kensou Kensou debuted in the Psycho Soldier arcade game and later became a recurring character in The King of Fighters series. He has special powers like Athena, but prefers using hand-to-hand combat.
    • Terry Bogard Terry Bogard is the male protagonist of the Fatal Fury series and SNK's mascot character. He is heavily featured in their company crossovers.

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      The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood Characters - Giant Bomb (2025)


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      Name: Stevie Stamm

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